The impact of COVID-19 on oral health and dental care
Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):21−22
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Dental practice and dental visits under the declaration of state of emergency
Kenji Takeuchi
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):23−26
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COVID-19 Pandemic, How did I act and what did I think at that time? From the field of medical institutions: In the case of dentistry at a cancer hospital
Takao Ueno
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):27−30
[全文/Full Text (PDF)]
Hiroshima Dental Association’s response to the outbreak of coronavirus
Katsumi Kamikawa,Hirofumi Tenma,Kenji Yamazaki,Mineki Kono
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):31−37
[全文/Full Text (PDF)]
WHO Oral Health Programme’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Yuka Makino
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):38−42
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Financial status of medical institutions in Covid-19 pandemic
Midori Tsuneishi
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):43−47
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Digital health for optimizing tooth brushing behavior
Naoko Takase,Yui Okazawa
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):48−53
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Oral Health Care Service as New normal -Adopt“with COVID-19”-
Hiroshi Ogawa
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):54−58
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Role of dental clinics under the spread of coronavirus infection
-Reason why chronic disease treatment in dental clinics should not be non-essential-
Hiroaki Takeuchi
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):59−64
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Potential of online training in the“with corona”era.
Hideki Fukuda
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):65−67
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Creating a Web-page to reduce regional disparities of eating guidance in school lunch at special needs schools
-Making of manual for restarting school lunch among COVID-19-
Mami Endoh,Eri Inomata,Tomoyo Jinushi,Takato Nomoto
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):68−75
[全文/Full Text (PDF)]
Possibility of Remote Shokuiku and Dietary Guidance during COVID-19 Pandemic
Ai Kawashima,Akemi Nakanishi
Health Science and Health Care 2020; 20 (2):76−84
[全文/Full Text (PDF)]
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