NUMBER 1 / JUNE 15.2010
A new paradigm for behavior change in the field of healthcare Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):1−3
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歯科疫学統計-第 8 報 空間(地理)疫学の基礎 その 2 -地域差をとらえる指標の相互関係-瀧口徹
A review of oral epidemiological statistics-Part VIII:The bases of Spatial(Geographical)Epidemiology 2nd follow-up review- Toru Takiguchi
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):4−19
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住民の生活実態調査と住民意識調査の意義ーネパールにおける 20 年間の歯科医療協力活動からー安部一紀 西野宇信 深井穫博 中村修一
Investigative singificance of people’s living conditions and consciousness -through 20-year activities of dental health cooperation in Nepal-Kazunori Abe,Takanobu Nishino,Kakuhiro Fukai,Shuichi Nakamura
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):20−27
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What is keeping appointments?Yoriko Matsuoka Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):28−32
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歯科医院が支える人々の well-being福原稔
A dental clinic supports well-being of people -Pay its attention to the relationship of a person and the person-Minoru Fukuhara
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):33−34
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Knowledge and InformationMami Endoh
Health Science and Health Care 2010; 10 (1):35−36
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