Social security system and oral health
Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):1−3
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医療施設静態調査を用いた歯科診療所に就業する 歯科衛生士および歯科技工士の推移と市区町村別分布
大島 克郎、安藤 雄一
The transition of dental hygienists and dental technicians working at dental clinics and their distribution by different municipalities based on the Static Surveys of Medical Institutions
Katsuo Oshima,Yuichi Ando
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):4−10
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歯科疾患実態調査、国民健康・栄養調査、国民生活基礎調査に おける口腔保健に関する質問紙調査項目
安藤 雄一
Questionnaire items for oral health in Japanese
Governmental Surveys
Yuichi Ando
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):11−18
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歯科外来受診高齢者に対する舌運動を 用いた口腔機能向上訓練の効果
遠藤 眞美、朝田 和夫、呉 明憲、朝田 真理、竹川ひとみ、柿木 保明、野本たかと
The Effect of an oral functional training which stretched tongue in dental elderly outpatients
Mami Endoh,Kazuo Asada,Akinori Kure,Mari Asada,Hitomi Takekawa,yasuaki Kakinoki,Takato Nomoto
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):19−25
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一般高齢者の反復唾液嚥下テスト(RSST)記録を 用いた嚥下機能回復の要因解析
高柳 篤史、遠藤 眞美、竹蓋 道子、長谷川 功、木村 益巳、野本たかと
Factor analysis of the deglutition functional recovery by
a retrospective study using for the records of the repetitive saliva swallowing test (RSST) in general elderly population
Atsushi Takayanagi,Mami Endoh,Michiko Takefuta,Isao Hasegawa,Masumi Kimura,Takato Nomoto
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):26−30
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神原 正樹、瀧口 徹、深井 穫博
Initiative for Preventive Insurance
Masaki Kambara,Tohru Takiguchi,Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):31−35
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Number of teeth and medical care expenditure
Midori Tsuneishi,Tatsuo Yamamoto,Yasuyuki Okumura, Genta Kato,Takuo Ishii,Shigeo Sugiyama,Takeyuki Yamaguchi,Tamotsu Sato,and Toshihiko Makino
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):36−37
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大 山 篤
Necessity of lifelong education on medical ethics and occupational health
Atsushi Ohyama
Health Science and Health Care 2017; 17 (1):38−42
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