NUMBER 1 / JUNE 15.2008
Gender-specific medicine and oral health
Kakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):1−2
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口腔の健康が全身の健康へ及ぼす影響田中志子 出雲祐二 工藤久 工藤英明 宮本雅央 佐々木英忠
Oral health influences general health in older people
Sachiko Tanaka,et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):3−8
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Assessing the dental care needs of the elderly from number ofmissing teeth per dentist
Koichi Yoshino
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):9−13
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基準口腔内写真を用いた介護職従事者による要介護者の口腔清掃度判定高柳篤史 平井基之 市原雅也 遠藤眞美
Evaluation of oral hygiene level for the dependent elderly by
caregivers using standard photographs in oral cavity Atsushi Takayanagi,et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):14−18
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歯科疫学統計― 第5報 傾向(トレンド)分析の基礎 その2 ―瀧口徹
A review of oral epidemiological statistics
-Part V:The bases of Trend Analysis 2nd follow-up review-
Toru Takiguch
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):19−33
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Face Scales and Facial Expression Analysis to Assess Clinical Pain IntensityYoriko Matsuoka, et al.(松岡順子 深井穫博)
Health Science and Health Care 2008; 8 (1):34−41
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