Subjective health assessment in oral healthKakuhiro Fukai
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):43−44
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Meaning of the prevalence in dental cariesMasaki Kambara
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):45−49
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口腔の健康は測れるか? リスク因子と予防戦略花田信弘
A conceptual framework for measuring oral health: A preventive strategy and risk factorsNobuhiro Hanada
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):50−53
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Fiscal policy under the accumulating national debt-policy recommendations on governmental bonds and inheritance tax Etsuji Okamoto
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):54−64
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ネパールにおける地域歯科保健開発と村人の健康観の変容中村修一 深井穫博 安部一紀 奥野ひろみ 西野宇信 アミット・カナル 白田千代子
Development of dental health and change in health behavior of rural Nepalese communityNakamura S, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):65−68
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喫煙による歯周疾患の超過医療費の試算山本龍生 青山旬 平田幸夫
Estimation of periodontal care cost savings of quitting smoking based on the national data in JapanTatsuo Yamamoto, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):69−74
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歯科関連の厚生労働統計調査間のデータリンケージの留意点大山篤 柳澤智仁 安藤雄一
The tips for data linkage between Health, labor and welfare statistics related to oral health Atsushi Ohyama, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):75−80
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-食事指導 3 年後の知識・意識・態度について-
遠藤眞美 野本たかと 妻鹿純一
A study on the awareness of the facility staffs regarding dysphagia rehabilitations after helping for eating Mami Endoh, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):81−90
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患者調査にみる歯科患者の推移と疾患量との関連安藤雄一 深井穫博 青山旬
Expressed Needs Measured by Patient Survey: Trends and relationship to normative needs measured by National Survey of Dental Disease Yuichi Ando, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):91−98
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コクランシステマティックレビュー「たばこ依存グループ」の英語アブストラクト翻訳のための「たばこ・禁煙グロッサリー/対訳集」作成に資する用語と表現の調査星佳芳 望月友美子 内藤徹 南郷栄秀 南郷里奈 廣島彰彦 豊島義博 成田俊行 王国琴 坂本泰理 廣瀬達子 三宮範子 花田信弘 緒方裕光
A survey on the terms and expression to propose a glossary of Japanese terms used in the translation of the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group review abstracts written in English. Hoshi K, et al.
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):99−108
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Public Health and the Sense of ‘NAMAMEKASHI’Akihisa Tsurumoto
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):109−110
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歯科から見た食育 子どもの口腔周囲機能向上を目指して葭原明弘
Shokuiku from dental point of view- To improve orofacial myofunction of childrenAkihiro Yoshihara
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):111−112
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Is the difference of oral health status in Tokyo“Unexpected”or“Natural”?Tomohito Yanagisawa
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):113−115
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Factors Associated with the Difference of Income and Expenditure in Private Dental Clinics in JapanMidori Tsuneishi
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):116−118
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Oral Health Knowledge of Pregnant or Nursing MothersYuko Okai
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):119−123
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誕生! 北海道歯・口腔の健康づくり 8020 推進条例佐々木健
The Birth of Prefectural Ordinance on Promoting Oral Health.Takeshi Sasaki
Health Science and Health Care 2009; 9 (2):124−128
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